วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Nightmare of Mosquitoes

At present, there are various diseases increase, some diseases are more severe. But diseases are occurred by insects like mosquitoes , which are overlooked by almost people. Do not prevent of people without biting mosquitoes bring pestilence of themselves .

Malaria is one of the diseases of mosquitoes. Malaria
is nightmare of everyone, because it can murder anyone in anywhere of the world. Malaria is caused from parasite
called Plasmodium which is sent virus from the carriering mosquitoes to people. Symptoms of malaria are headache,nausea,fever and vomiting. Nevertheless , there are several countrys control this disease and establish the organization to protect there population to escape from malaria.

In my views, Mosquitoes is insect which we can find them easily in anypart of house.They always bite everyone in my family especially the kids. We are bitten by mosquitoes, we just hit it but we are not serious to protect ourself. If we still are bitten, we will risk . It's time that everyone has to prevent their body from many ways, for example , wearing light clothes cover entirely your body , coating repelling lotion from mosquitoes on your skin...

If you do accordingly the suggestion , I ensure that few mosquitoes bite you .!!

วันจันทร์ที่ 19 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

The death in inundated mine.

I heard news about innundated mine in northen china. It states there are a lots of minors are trapped in the mine for long time and levels of water still remain high. The volunteers assist rapidly for remainders. Consequently, They suffer from kidney damage,lung,heart damage and skin deseases. However,some minors are fortunate who are helped before levels of water are higher. They barely injure from this accident.

As a result of this news, I realize that nowadays natural disasters and severity . Both of it cause wasting breath and property . However , if we coodinate each other to cure the earth by saving the energy , never deforestation and etc. We will get the earth again for everyone .